How-To Videos
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HowTo Different Bikes, Pro and Pigtail (See comments for index) |
Adventure Bike HowTo |
HowTo connect Pro meter, and troubleshooting | Adjust TPS on 2017+ KTM’s, Pigtail and Pro |
Adjust TPS on 2016 and earlier KTM’s, Pigtail and Pro | HowTo set your own volt meter |
Polaris RMK 600, 700, 800 (2008-2015) | Polaris RMK 800,600 (2016-2021) |
Accuracy of bike’s 5V supply | How a TPS works |
Original (Old) Pigtails HowTo | Independent review by Tepco Cycle Repair (2014 CRF250R example) |
HowTo reset TPS to factory default | Increase power on FE350 |
Arctic Cat M8, F8, 800 Crossfire 4-Pin TPS (2008 Era) | Polaris Scrambler 2013 Example (Customer Video) |
Polaris Sportsman 570, 450, Ranger 800 and more! |
2013 Polaris Sportsman 850 XP TPS – Error Code 5201947 (Customer Video) |
Polaris AXYS TPS Entire Job (French) |
Polaris Sportsman & Scrambler 850 TPS replacement and adjustment, 2012-2013 |
Arctic Cat Wildcat TPS 700-1000cc Years 2013-2020 |
Polaris Sportsman 500 TPS (2007-2008), and the screw that shall not be adjusted |
Polaris Ranger, Sportsman (450, 570, 800) The screw that shall not be adjusted |
Polaris TPS, .70 or .46, which is correct? |
Polaris Ranger RZR 800 2009-2010 | Hall Effect TPS vs Mechanical Wiper TPS |
Set the TPS on Polaris Ranger 700 (2007-2010) Also RZR, Sportsman, X2 without IAC |
Yamaha YZ250F (2014-2018) |
Ski Doo MXZ 600 (2010-2020) | Arctic Cat ZR 6000 (2015 and other years) |
Ducati TPS Part# PF3C Monster SS750 SS900 ST2 748R 996R and more! |
Polaris Patriot Motors 650cc, 850cc (2020-2021) |
MAP Sensor Testing | T-MAP Sensor Testing (Polaris example) |
2023 Husqvarna TC 125 (and KTM 125SX) Full Version |
2023 Husqvarna TC 125 (and KTM 125SX) Short |
Arctic Cat 1999 ZL600 EFI 4-pin TPS |
2024 Husqvarna TX 300 Example |
2023 KTM 125sx 250sx 300sx TBI Husqvarna TC125 TC250 Two Stroke |
Polaris Sportsman Scrambler 850-1000 Years 2017-2023 |
Cummins Diesel TPS Adjustment – Part# 56028184AB | Customer Video – 2013 KTM 350 XCF-W |
Arctic Cat ATV TPS (Alterra, Prowler, HDX, XC, TRV, XR) Part# 0824 053 |
TBI 2-Stroke Tune Up! KTM, Husqvarna, Gas Gas |