How-To Videos

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HowTo Different Bikes, Pro and Pigtail
(See comments for index)
Adventure Bike HowTo
HowTo connect Pro meter, and troubleshooting Adjust TPS on 2017+ KTM’s, Pigtail and Pro
Adjust TPS on 2016 and earlier KTM’s, Pigtail and Pro HowTo set your own volt meter
Polaris RMK 600, 700, 800 (2008-2015) Polaris RMK 800,600 (2016-2021)
Accuracy of bike’s 5V supply How a TPS works
Original (Old) Pigtails HowTo Independent review by Tepco Cycle Repair (2014 CRF250R example)
HowTo reset TPS to factory default Increase power on FE350
Arctic Cat M8, F8, 800 Crossfire 4-Pin TPS (2008 Era) Polaris Scrambler 2013 Example (Customer Video)
Polaris Sportsman 570, 450, Ranger 800 and more! 2013 Polaris Sportsman 850 XP TPS – Error Code 5201947
(Customer Video)
Polaris AXYS TPS Entire Job (French) Polaris Sportsman & Scrambler 850 TPS
replacement and adjustment, 2012-2013
Arctic Cat Wildcat TPS
700-1000cc Years 2013-2020
Polaris Sportsman 500 TPS (2007-2008),
and the screw that shall not be adjusted
Polaris Ranger, Sportsman (450, 570, 800)
The screw that shall not be adjusted
Polaris TPS, .70 or .46, which is correct?
Polaris Ranger RZR 800 2009-2010 Hall Effect TPS vs Mechanical Wiper TPS
Set the TPS on Polaris Ranger 700 (2007-2010)
Also RZR, Sportsman, X2 without IAC
Yamaha YZ250F (2014-2018)
Ski Doo MXZ 600 (2010-2020) Arctic Cat ZR 6000 (2015 and other years)
Ducati TPS Part# PF3C
Monster SS750 SS900 ST2 748R 996R and more!
Polaris Patriot Motors
650cc, 850cc (2020-2021)
MAP Sensor Testing T-MAP Sensor Testing (Polaris example)
2023 Husqvarna TC 125 (and KTM 125SX)
Full Version
2023 Husqvarna TC 125 (and KTM 125SX)
Arctic Cat 1999 ZL600 EFI
4-pin TPS
2024 Husqvarna TX 300 Example
2023 KTM 125sx 250sx 300sx TBI
Husqvarna TC125 TC250 Two Stroke
Polaris Sportsman Scrambler 850-1000 Years 2017-2023
Cummins Diesel TPS Adjustment – Part# 56028184AB Customer Video – 2013 KTM 350 XCF-W
Arctic Cat ATV TPS (Alterra, Prowler, HDX, XC, TRV, XR)
Part# 0824 053
TBI 2-Stroke Tune Up!
KTM, Husqvarna, Gas Gas